Sue Doherty M.A. graduated from Sonoma State University’s Department of Anthropology with a degree in Cultural Resources Management (CRM). Sue’s research and oral histories have been exhibited in museums and book anthologies. Sue also has a background in child development and holistic health (certified in acupuncture, nutrition, and as a mindfulness teacher). For several years, her anthropological fieldwork involved applied behavioral analysis work and mindfulness based behavioral intervention with toddlers, special needs students K-12, and those with mental health issues.
Sue is the author of Dancing with Your Baby: The Science of Nurturing Infant and Caregiver through Music & Movement, 2021 now available available in print, ebook, and audiobook versions. Her research explores the interface of intangible cultural heritage, including song, music, dance, skills, crafts and the like, and basic behavioral needs, and how they help individuals, communities, and cultures survive and thrive. Sue is a graduate of the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program—a 2-year training through UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.
Services: Freelance mindfulness and wellness coaching for all ages. Depending on the project, Sue may be available for oral history audio recording; transcription; and photography.
Email: Twitter: @storiesmatter