20 New Infant Development Findings

Since I’ve been absent with the blog of late, here are some science findings from the last 6 months, in tweet format with links to the story, video, or research paper.

How dancing in synch to music makes your baby more helpful: McMaster study http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/how-dancing-makes-your-baby-more-helpful-mcmaster-study-1.2686134

Dancing and the brain via Society of Neuroscience and @Brain_Facts_org  http://www.brainfacts.org/Sensing-Thinking-Behaving/Movement/Articles/2009/Dancing-and-the-Brain

While sleeping, twitching limbs activate the baby & teach about structure & function of the limbs: University of iowa Study http://alturl.com/k7ty4

Parents Magazine
RT Where you live can make baby more open minded. Here’s how: ‪http://bit.ly/1rgn62G

It’s feasible to identify & enroll infants in parent-implemented autism intervention before 12 months: Rogers, Vismara et. al paper ‪http://alturl.com/ezt5z 

New Scientist
RT Catch a baby’s gaze. Can you imagine what it sees? Here are four ideas to help you http://ow.ly/ACgK7

Maternal–Preterm Skin-to-Skin Contact Enhances Child Physiologic Organization & Cognitive Control for 10 Yrs ‪http://alturl.com/nid3k 

Juno Magazine
RT Maternal singing during skin-to-skin contact benefits preterm infants http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140804123313.htm

ADTA New American Dance Therapy Association
RT ADTA video on Dance/Movement Therapy – Embodied Parenting ‪http://buff.ly/1oSPHqf 

Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) still viable means of assessing gross motor abilities of infants http://alturl.com/uad66

Susan Newman, Ph.D.
RT How Digital Devices Affect Infants and Toddlers — & Why Parental Interaction is Key in Psychology Today | http://ow.ly/zNzvx

“Mind-mindedness” in 1st yr of life predicts early –parent secure attachment” University of York via @DrLizKirk http://alturl.com/vid4g

RT Babies Recognize Familiar Rhyme in the Womb http://ow.ly/2KMDKA

The Economist
RT Why Swedish men take so much paternity leave ‪http://econ.st/1sRvJmT 

RT How becoming a father changes your brain ‪http://wrd.cm/1ldcUmj 

New Findings on Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Risk Factors & Treatments via @drshow ‪http://alturl.com/7z4yu

Brain Science new
RT How Playing Music Affects The Developing Brain http://dlvr.it/6LsnMV

“Parentese” works: HOW you talk to baby more important than than HOW MUCH you talk-study from University of Connecticut http://bit.ly/1mRpDRC

Dancing With Your Baby, book review in Psychology Today by @michaelhogannui

Michael Hogan
RT An alternative to the Web 2.0 approach to child development – dancing with your baby ‪http://buff.ly/1rggZNr 

Father and baby at Washington Square Park: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FPilslxdrw 57 seconds to 2:00
(PERMISSION granted: Senen Llanos at Senecito.com SEE: http://www.senencito.com/my-blog/2011/5/23/a-beautiful-moment-i-witnessed-in-washington-square-park.html) on Twitter @Senencito