When acquiring language infants go through a phase between approximately 6 and 12 months where their focus is more on the speaker’s lips rather than their eyes.

Social and Moral Development
Self-regulation and concern for others are attributes at the foundation for social interaction. What facilitates optimum social and moral development, including personality characteristics such as empathy, conscience, and self-regulation?

Babies Learn Best by Sitting Upright
A baby looks at novel objects and then decreases their gaze upon them as they become more and more familiar with it. With this ability, learning and memory associated with that object can occur.

Healthy Aging through the Lifecycle
Babies are captivated by the here and now, and certainly enjoy their sleep. UCSF longevity study results find that staying in the present moment and quality sleep promote healthy aging. Read more

New Findings on the Science of Mindfulness
Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence (S-ART): a framework for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness.